We invite you to discover awareness of ChemWell®, ChemWell® Fusion, ChemWell®-T, Stat Fax®, LumiStat® and ChroMate® instruments. As well as the ReQuest® line of reagent and analyzer technology and our Dexall® line of allergy test solutions. Now, more than ever, the discerning laboratory technician is inclined to look for versatile, economical alternatives to more expensive lab instruments, reagents and proofs.
At Awareness Technology, we maintain a high level of quality and reliability necessary for long-term peace of mind, in a wide range of clinical applications. Our instruments, reagents and proofs all echo the same level of quality you expect from our company. Maintaining quality, reliability and price in our complete matrix of products has earned us a reputation as a reputable manufacturing and reliable business partner in the in vitro diagnostics industry. High quality low cost is not a new concept to awareness technology. For more than 30 years, our service brand has been profitable to define®, without compromising on performance or reliability.