Absorption hotel minibar A model provides the hotel with a high level of comfort with reduced power consumption. Silent and functional, this hotel minibar fits the needs of hotels of every size and category.
General characteristics
- Technology: absorption, traditional system for hotels.
- Voltage: 220-240V (110V optional).
- Power: 53 W.
- Energy Efficiency: D.
Standard Features
- Silent 0 dB.
- Auto-defrost.
- Intelligent thermostat.
- Additional hinge for left opening.
- Low consumption interior LED.
- Adjustable trays and racks, maximum use of available space.
Specific Project Options
- Lock on the minibar door.
- Casters.
- Fixed light door opening indicator.
- Different Colors available.
- Sliding guide.
- Glass door with bottle rack. Personalization optional. (not available in EU countries).
Absorption Minibar A